Monday, June 25, 2012


Hey Peoples! How are you? By the time you are reading this I’ll be traveling to a conference. I promise to tell you about my trip when I get back. J
Now as you may not know I am a “girly-girl” and I always get sucked into loving Boy bands. Well when “One Direction” came I told myself I wasn’t going to become a “Directioner.”
A Directioner is a huge fan of One Direction. We are very dedicated fans. Being a Directioner isn’t a title it is a lifestyle. One of my friends who goes to a different school has been a Directioner since she heard of them, so she is teaching me how to be a real Directioner.
Rule One: The word obsessed is NOT to be used, we prefer the term dedicated.
Rule Two: We have no favorites. We love them all equally. (Hardest rule for me.)
As part as what I call my Directioner training you should watch lots of You Tube videos about them. Such as “One Direction X Factor Video Diaries.” There are 10 of those videos
If you don’t like One Direction that’s okay. We are all entitled to an opinion. If we all liked the same thing we wouldn’t really have personalities now would we?

WOW: AmaZAYN- another spelling of amazing used for Directioners, Zayn is a band member.

MOM: You can always get a group of friends and do a talent show for your school or neighborhood. J   Be sure to ask your parents before you do anything.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! These rules are very good. I used to not care about One Direction, espiacially their songs. But then....... I saw their pretty faces! =)
